It's the middle of June, and we're still waiting for summer here. The temperature I'm ok with - around 18-20 degrees. But some blimmin sun and blue sky would be nice, Canada. We did get a day that was beautiful - so decided to make the most of it and go exploring. We drove over to Lighthouse Park, which is over in West Vancouver, about 20 minues from our place. To get there you drive through the swanky suburbs and straight away it feels like you're away from the city. I do love that about Vancouver - it's so easy to get out! As we're still waiting to hear on whether our visas have been granted so we can stay another year, we're trying to make the most of it at the moment in case we don't get to stay. Lighthouse Park was beautiful, and so close to the city, and yet you feel like it's a world away. Lot of different trails to choose from so there doesn't seem to be a lot of people around either. One thing we did find really odd, was that in NZ if you meet people while you're tramping, you always say "Hi" or at least smile and make eye contact. Oh no, not in Vancouver. It became a bit of a game to us - we'd say "Hi" and smile and watch them try and hide and avoid eye contact at all costs!