A couple of our friends actually booked the same weekend in Vegas, and they arrived Saturday night. We had a few drinks in our room, thanks to the cheap American alcohol (I may have mentioned that before?!) - a bottle of Jim Beam for $11.99, thanks very much! They came and met us and we went out to a fantastic piano bar in New York New York. There were two grand pianos set up, facing each other, and they took written requests. These guys could play anything! They were fantastic. We stayed there for a while and then headed over to the Irish pub, also in NYNY, where they had a great Irish band playing, and even a woman doing a jig! Andrew and I called it a night about 12.30 or so, as we'd been up since 6am that morning, and the others stayed out.

Sunday morning Andrew and I got up to get ready to get married! We only decided the week before to do it, it was a good opportunity since we were going to Vegas anyway. We wanted something really low stress, and this was it! It was just the two of us, so it was really nice and personal - we picked our own music, we had Lionel Richie "You Are" (you are the sun, you are the rain.....) at the beginning, and then Marvin Gaye "How Sweet It Is" at the end.

By the time they met up with us I wanted out of my dress, so we went to the hotel, got changed, and then out for lunch - to one of my fave places, The Cheesecake Factory! It's the third time I've been (San Francisco & Seattle) and it's always good, and they have such a huge menu that it's easy to please everyone! We all had a great meal, with cheesecake to take out, and then relaxed back at the hotel for a bit before going to Mandalay Bay for the Lion King. I've seen it twice on the stage before, but none of the others had - it's so good! So well done, the make-up and costumes are amazing. Timon, Pumba and Za-Zu are fantastic - they're my faves! Afterwards we had a quick flutter at the Luxor before heading to bed.
Monday morning and it was time for a bit more shopping and then some people watching along the Strip - Vegas has the best people watching in the world I think! There are so many different types of people, it's fascinating. We met up with the others for an early dinner before heading to the airport - we went to T.I. for their buffet - it was pretty average and we didn't feel it was worth the money. There are much better buffets to be had in Vegas, so we'll remember that for next time! By the time we landed in Vancouver it was midnight, and we were welcomed by - you guessed it - rain. Ah, home again!