Monday, July 27, 2009

Today's the day!

It's about an hour til we need to be at the airport now. We're all packed, fed and watered. Said our goodbyes, everyone keeps asking if we're excited - truth is we've been SO busy getting everything ready to go - moving out of our apartment, storing stuff, selling other stuff, etc - that we haven't had time to realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel! It's only now, that we're all done, that we can look forward to leaving.

I'm sick of winter - can't wait to arrive in LA, where it's about 29 degrees and sunny! Yay. Bring it on. Hoping for some good movies on the plane to keep us occupied, and the odd wee dram to warm us up. Farewell NZ - it's been great, but we'll be back eventually!

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