After checking out and loading up the red Postman Pat beast, we headed towards Death Valley. It can often reach 50 degrees there, so we were aiming to miss the heat of the day. But failed. It also has the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere, Badwater, at 282ft below sea level, or 85.5 metres. It was stinking hot, about 46 degrees, and the brake pads didn't appreciate it.

Death Valley has the highest recorded temperature in the USA - 134 degrees fahrenheit, or 56.6 celsius. Pretty hot. The landscape was quite moon-like at times, and there's also sand dunes, salt flats, and mountains that look like they've been transported from Morocco or something. Very other-worldly.
We're beginning to realise why a lot of Americans don't have passports - we've seen such a small chunk of the country, and yet the variety and distances are huge.

We found a hotel in Bishop, California, and bunked down for the night.
Really loving reading your blog. it was me who said your car looked like Postman Pats does. Keep up the blogging, it's great
Yeah, Death Valley was awesome. As soon as you step out of the car it feels like someone is holding a blow dryer to your face.
The Postman Pats van engine didn't cope very well trying to climb out of the valley. For a few moments there i didn't think the mail would get through.
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