Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cruising the Caribbean - Part Deux

Next on the list was St Vincent, of St Vincent & the Grenadines. This is probably the most isolated island on our itinerary - there are no flights from here to anywhere outside the Caribbean, so there's not as much outside influence, or tourists. It's very lush, green, and a bit rough in town. Not unsafe - just very basic, and undeveloped. Being a Saturday there were lots of people milling around, local markets going on, selling fruit and vegetables, and not much else. There's none of the touristy shops that are so prolific at the other ports, it's just back to basics, Caribbean style.

That night, back on the ship, was the night that Andrew chose to propose! Of course I said yes (i had been not-so-gently suggesting it for a while!!), and had a celebratory cocktail and game of cards up on deck. Nice and laid back!

The next day in St Kitts we went ring shopping - there is really good jewellery shopping to do in the Caribbean - and found this ring, which I LOVE. St Kitts was really nice - Easter Sunday, and after we'd done our stint round all the jewellery stores, we went out into the real town and wandered the near empty streets - along with the roosters!
There was a lovely park, surrounded with colonial buildings, and these funny palm trees, that we also saw somewhere else along the trip as well.

There were two ships in port that day - the other one was a Celebrity cruiselines ship, one of their older ones that looked really rundown. Ours is the one on the left.
We had some lovely sunsets, depsite the weather not always being perfect, but sometimes the clouds add to the mood.

1 comment:

Mel said...

gorgeous ring. Glad to catch up with your tales.