Sunday, September 12, 2010

Road trip

In the long weekend at the beginning of September, we took the Friday off work and drove up to visit Adam & Jeanette (our landlords) in Prince George - still in BC, but nearly 800km north of Vancouver.

We left early in the morning so that we'd be there at a decent hour. There's not much in between - Prince George is the biggest city in Northern BC at about 70,000 people. Between Vancouver and PG there's only small towns, with not much going on, but enough facilities to get you through easily enough. We rolled into PG about 5pm, and were waiting at the traffic lights when the guy in front of us decided it would be a good idea to reverse. Straight into us. There was someone waiting behind us so we couldn't move, so got rammed! It was pouring rain, and his side mirror had got taken out earlier that day when he hit a moose. There wasn't really much damage, so we got $150 and went out for dinner the next night!!

We had a great night with Adam & Jeanette with the usual wine & whiskey, and the next day we went for a drive around town and had a bit of a lazy day - which was really nice after the long drive. On Sunday we headed out on the hunt for moose. We're still yet to see one and we've been here over a year - no moose or bear as of yet. I still think it's all a ploy by Canadian tourism. Adam took us out on the logging roads as he sees them all the time out there - we looked for over 2 hours, and NOTHING!!! Stupid moose. So that night we had moose roast. If you can't see 'em, eat 'em. We'd never had it before, it was a bit gamey and a coarser texture than beef, but pretty good!

Real estate is SO cheap in PG. You can get a nice, 10 year old 4 bedroom house for around $350k. So reasonable! But then you have to deal with the winters - a few months where it doesn't get above zero, endless snow, dark.......hhhmmmmmm......

Monday came and it was time to drive back - the time actually goes pretty quickly. Once you know the places to stop you take advantage of them as they are few and far between!

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